Building Tenant Businesses
Upgrade you business' prosperity now!
McMac CX is your tusted advocate for finding the best space for your business to succeed. Our Building Tenant Business Advocacy Services disclose and frame the full social, environmental and financial cost benefits that alternative designs, construction, and operations have on your success.
We offer two complementary services:
Comparative Health & Prosperity Analysis (CHPA) gives you complete control of your employee's health and your business' prosperity by quantifying in dollar terms the potential net present value (NPV) health and prosperity benefit capability of a specific space or building, and
Transparency and Verification Auditing continuously verifies that the Tenant space is maximizing employee health and the Firm's prosperity.
1. Comparative Health & Prosperity Analysis (CHPA) - McMac CX will perform a full analysis and modeling of the Firm’s current or prospective building / space to assess its ability to maximize business prosperity. Our analysis and modeling monetizes the building’s design and operation impact on:
Employee Health Cost Reductions,
Employee Acquisition and Retention,
Energy and Water Efficiency compared to best practices and local market expectations,
Building's Cost Burden to the Community of:
Grid emissions of air pollution (CACs),
Embodied and operational carbon output, and
Water scarcity impacts
Our Comparative Health & Prosperity Analysis (CHPA) utilizes our advanced Triple Bottom Line Cost Benefit Analysis Analysis (TBL-CBA) and Modeling* software tool to evaluate Building and Site alternatives with respect to People, Planet and Profit Cost Benefits. Additionally, we use a Facility Team evaluation tool modeled on the Global ProFM Standard and those Best Practices recognized internationally for Healthy, Sustainable and Prosperous Buildings and Communities.
2. Transparency and Verification Auditing - McMac CX deploys multiple Impact Advocacy Tech (IAT) solutions that deliver independent, objective, consistent assessment and verification that your Firm’s work environment is always maximizing employee health and business profit. We provide:
Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) monitoring. Continuous, real-time, documented, transparent and authoritative data that demonstrates Stakeholder’s due diligence in maintaining work conditions for optimum tenant business prosperity and employee health. The International RESET Air Certification** program:
Demonstrates to your employees your Firm’s constant commitment to a healthy workspace (Employee Acquisition & Retention),
Creates a record of due diligence compliance with current Best Practices and Standards of Care (Liability),
Documents compliance with Company Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) commitments (Stockholders / Stakeholders)
Transparency of Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) operational parameters to ensure continuous compliance. (Temperature (T), Relative Humidity (RH), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC – Chemical Hygiene), Particulate Matter (PM2.5, PM10), Noise and Light),
Building Automation System Integrity Check (BASIC) oversight via Cloud Base Data Analytics of Firm's leased space to determine what equipment is failing to meet designed performance outcomes,
Fully automated documentation upload of Energy, Water and Indoor Air Quality data to Energy Star Portfolio Manager and the Arc Performance Portal,
Lease language that addresses compensation to Firm by Building Owner for those periods when the lease space cannot achieve the conditions necessary for the tenant Firm's maximum prosperity and Employee Health, and
McMac CX Building Science Expertise support to act as your advocate with Building Owners and Facility Management Teams to resolve performance outcome non-compliance issues.
*This service qualifies for two (2) potential LEED Pilot Credits, documents AIA mandatory Ethics requirements for disclosing Environmental Impact to Clients of Design alternatives and confirms design meets AIA 2030 Challenge commitments.
**Our RESET Air Certification assists Project Teams qualify for LEED, WELL Building and Fitwell credits.